Red Feline Backup is a backup program for PalmOS. It does
not require a host PC. Instead all databases on your PalmOS device will
be copied onto a memory card inserted into the device. Red Feline
Backup is free
software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It is licenced
under the GNU
General Public Licence.
The program features:
Backup to memory card.
Restore from memory card.
Optimizes backups by copying only databases modified since
the last backup.
Keeps a log of the last backup operation.
Red Feline Backup requires a PDA running PalmOS 4 or 5.
Release Announcements
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Both the source code and the compiled binary are
held in the same zip file. To install simply download the distibution,
unzip and double click on rfbackup.prc. Introduced a progress bar to display how far the backup
has proceeded, improved the robustness of the backup/restore engine
especially under OS5 and added a French language translation. Thanks to
Stéphane Piel for originating almost all the new features in
this release. More robost mangement of characters illegal for use in
filenames, allowed restore of protected databases (Net Prefs) and
ensured RFBackup is copied to the memory card's launcher area.
'redfelineninja' is an anagram of my own name together
with that of my wife. Since the program is hosted at
the name of the program seemed very obvious.
Why did you write yet another backup program?
Although there are lots of backup program for PalmOS at the time I
started writing it there was no free
software program that could backup to a memory card. As it happened
another similar program, VfsBackup by Andre
Kuehne, was announced to the world six days before I unleashed Red
Feline Backup. I guess its a matter of personal taste but I still
prefer my
version. I'll probably have a look at what Andre has been up to every
now and then however.
How do I know I can trust your program with my data?
The best way to decide if you trust the program is to test it yourself.
Perform a backup using some other means and then backup using Red
Feline Backup, hard reset and try restoring. At the time of writing I
trust the program enough to use it as my primary means of backup on my
aging Palm M125. This is quite a serious committment as the backup
capacitor is fried and everytime I change the batteries I have to
restore the device. This gives the code quite a workout.
But you said the program has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!
Indeed it doesn't. I wrote it in my spare time and published it for the
common good. I simply don't have the means (or incentive) to offer any
sort of warranty. Either test this program to your own satisfaction or
pay for one of the others.
Can I recover my data if my PalmOS computer is damaged?
Every database is backed up to the memory card in a directory called /PALM/RFBackup.
This directory contains ordinary .prc and .pdb
files that can be installed to a new device. If your PC has a card
reader you can even restore your Palm device without using Red Feline
Backup. Simply re-install each database held on the memory card using
the Palm Desktop or pilot-link.
Will I lose data if the battery runs out midway through
a backup?
It is unlikey that data will actually be lost (but see question 4).
Basically the program will always backup a new database to a file
called DATABASE.TMP so the older backup file will not be
overwritten until DATABASE.TMP has been successfully written.
This makes data loss unlikely. Be warned however that (at the moment)
the restore operation does not automatically restore DATABASE.TMP
since it may have only been partially written. If your Palm ran out of
juice midway through a backup then consider using a tool like FileZ
to keep a copy DATABASE.TMP before having a careful look over
your PDA.
Where's the shed key dear?
Generally in the shed door... My wife contends that this is actually
the question I am most frequently asked. It's certainly one with a
generous variety of answers.
What's in the release?
RFBackup.prc is the installable program for English speakers.
RFBackup.prc is the installable program for German speakers.
RFBackup_fr.prc is the installable program for French speakers.
All the files ending in .c, .h, .rcp and a file called Makefile are the
source code for the program. Unless you want to (and are capable of)
modify the program these can be ignored.
The README contains the entire documentation (apart from this web page).
AUTHORS give information about those people who contributed to the
COPYING contains licensing information. The license for RFBackup allows
you to provide copies of the program to anyone you think might like it
(with or without charge) but does require that you inform them about the
license (by providing them a verbatim copy) so they understand that they
also have permission to distribute it. The pre-amble to the license
provides more details on the purpose of the license.